Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A History of Mt. Lebanon, Part I: The Founding

Our charming township was discovered in 1722 by the inimitable Colonel Thaddeus Lebanon III on an expedition to find attractive real estate. Upon constructing a palace overlooking his kingdom (now the Municipal Building), the Colonel proceeded to enact his famous 3-step plan for civic progress. His philosophies are detailed in the brilliant treatise "Schools, Realtors®, and Coffee Shoppes: This Towne Shall Hath Glory".

More installments to follow.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Word has it that while the Municipal Building was being remodeled, a sizable foundation stone of Bahamian coral was found, the text "TH.LEB'N FECIT" inscribed. Would the historical society have a a photo of this to post, if not too much trouble?

  3. Excellent historical detective work, Trip! Why they keep the coverup alive by removing my Wikipedia edits is beyond me.

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