Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Nail Salon? Not In My Backyard! by Helen Montgomery Davenport

An ominous warning shot has just streaked across the hull of this majestic vessel we call Mt. Lebanon, as news comes that a nail salon chain has our fair city in its crosshairs.

We must unite to defend our homes from this invasion! Imagine the pollution, disease, and foreign workers such a business would impose on our town, to say nothing of the awful NEON lights in the window. I mean, really, do you think this is Castle Shannon? Join me in the fight for goodness and decency.

Yours blessedly,
Helen Montgomery Davenport

A History of Mt. Lebanon, Part I: The Founding

Our charming township was discovered in 1722 by the inimitable Colonel Thaddeus Lebanon III on an expedition to find attractive real estate. Upon constructing a palace overlooking his kingdom (now the Municipal Building), the Colonel proceeded to enact his famous 3-step plan for civic progress. His philosophies are detailed in the brilliant treatise "Schools, Realtors®, and Coffee Shoppes: This Towne Shall Hath Glory".

More installments to follow.

Welcome to Fake Lebo

We are here to chronicle the news, rumors, history, and general goings-on of this glorious city on a hill, Mt. Lebanon, PA.

Forward us your thoughts and tips by emailing, and have a glorious Lebo day!