Saturday, May 29, 2010


The ancient tunnels underneath the Mt. Lebanon Cemetery are rumored to have been the primary reason for relocating the police and fire departments to the new Safety Building, which borders the cemetery.

Inbound T riders have reported hearing chanting shortly after departing Mt. Lebanon Station, but only on nights with a full moon.

Inquiries to the municipality regarding these places and events have not been returned... though, if you'll excuse me a moment, it appears there's a crew of policeman knocking on my door right now...

Friday, May 28, 2010


It's Elementary School Showdown time again! In this round, the namesakes of Hoover and Foster go up against each other. Looks like it's a close call...

Click for full image.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Look what Fake Lebo got in the mail today...

Scores From the Tax Increase Judges Are In

The scores from the tax increase judges are in. And... it's even better than perfect! A new world record!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Construction at the old trolley loop Uptown has residents puzzled. What could this be? Lebo Border Patrol Headquarters? Post your thoughts on our Facebook page.

Click for larger image.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

TOP STORY PHOTO: Virginia Manor newcomers

Virginia Manor newcomers trying a little too hard to fit in, neighbors report.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Library Mural, 1976

This painting was one of several in the Mt. Lebanon Public Library destroyed by the renovation in the 1990s.

Click for full image.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

TOP STORY PHOTO: Car Free Friday a Success

Mt. Lebanon declared "Car Free Friday" a huge success as residents found more creative ways to get to their destinations.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Trax Farms Ad Campaign

Trax Farms unveils new ad campaign targeting local Library and South Park residents.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SHOWDOWN: Washington vs. Jefferson

Round 2! Click for details.

SPONSOR NOTE: Banksville Road

Fake Lebo is brought to you by the Banksville Road Board of Tourism! Click for details.

REAL NEWS: New Iovino's Restaurant

Iovino's Cafe owner to open new restaurant "Ciboulette" on Washington Road. French-English dictionary sales skyrocket.

Dining scene is really starting to cook, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, May 16, 2010.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Fed Up With Correcting Everyone

In a bold move, the Pronunciation Perfection Council lobbies to officially rename the township Mt. Lebanən.

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Edwin Markham takes on Abraham Lincoln in this week's Mt. Lebanon Elementary School Showdown.

Let's get ready to ruuummmblle!

(Click for larger image)

Friday, May 14, 2010

FAKE LEBO AWARD: Honorary Mt. Lebanon Citizen

And the Fleeby goes to...

IT'S A TIE! Sharing the award are Martha Stewart and Dr. Frasier Crane!

Thank you everyone for voting!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

TOP STORY: The War on Peeling Paint

The Mt. Lebanon Homeowners Association escalates its involvement in the War On Peeling Paint.

RIP Galleria movie theater

The Carmike Galleria 6 in Mt. Lebanon is closing in June. For simplicity's sake, we will now only report local businesses that are remaining open.

Mt. Lebanon's Galleria mall theater to close June 17, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, May 12, 2010.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

REAL NEWS: Foodland at Lebanon Shops is closing

The Foodland grocery store which has operated in Lebanon Shops for 32 years is closing after May 29th. In lieu of flowers, donations to AARP are requested.

From Blog-Lebo:
Lebanon Shops Foodland is Closing

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

SPONSOR NOTE: Waste Management!

Fake Lebo is brought to you this week by Waste Management. "We Have All the Crap You Should've Given to Goodwill. Thanks." Waste Management!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Lebo Doctors Prescribing Forgetex After School Rankings Announced

For symptoms related to Post-School Ranking Stress Disorder, four out of five Lebo doctors recommend Forgetex!

"Upper St. Clair High School tops high school list"
Pittsburgh Business Times, May 9, 2010.

Fake Lebo infiltrates the Municipal Building!

DID YOU KNOW: Fake Lebo's logo is featured on the welcome carpet of the Mt. Lebanon Municipal Building. "Wisdom in Government" indeed!

Click for larger image.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Perfect Mt. Lebanon Mother's Day Gift

The diamond P3 pendant. A must for every Lebo mother who loves Pool, Panera, and Pedicures.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Fake Lebo Is Not a Hacker

And yet...

Southminster Gets Digital Signboard

Rollier's Hardware reports brisk sales of pitchforks and torches after Southminster Presbyterian Church installs a new digital LED signboard.

Click for larger image.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Washington Road, circa 1900

An historical view of Ye Olde Mt. Lebanon!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


"Maybe we should get started on those college applications now," they mumbled afterwards.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Mt. Lebanon High School Presents...

Thoroughly Modern Millage Increase. A delightful musical about joys of living in Mt. Lebanon! Wednesday through Saturday at the high school.

Thanks to Cynthia and Walter Henry for the tip!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

And the Fleeby goes to...

FAKE LEBO AWARDS: In the category of Most Un-Lebo Establishment, the Fleeby goes to... Dollar General!

Mt. Lebanon, Haven of Tolerance

From the September 4, 1949 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: "...staunchly conservative neighbors charged the doctor staged left-wing meetings in his home..."